The aims of IPDA USA are to provide opportunities for our diverse members and their colleagues to address and act on issues concerning professional development and learning at a local, regional, and national level.

Welcome to IPDA USA. If you are involved with professional development in USA and are interested in becoming a member please get in touch.

Welcome to IPDA USA. This regional association aims to:

  • Represent and include the diverse and often marginalized voices represented in the United States
  • Support and promote the professional learning and development of education practitioners in the United States, across practitioner contexts and sectors.
  • Facilitate and disseminate research and scholarship relation to professional development and learning.
  • Have international reach and global connection, connecting practitioners and practitioner educators with a commitment to practitioner learning, across borders, sectors and professions in the United States and beyond.
  • Facilitate reflection, inquiry, dissemination and impact in relation to professional learning.
  • Contribute towards a shared knowledge-base through the journals PDiE and Practice and attending and presenting in annual and regional conferences.
  • Be an apolitical voice for those engaged in practice and professional learning

We encourage all those with an interest in professional learning from across the United States and beyond to get involved. You can do this by engaging with:

  • Seminars and workshops on a range of topics.
  • Networking fora and events.
  • Support in establishing partnerships and collaborations across professional fields.

To find out more about up-coming events, check the section below. Join IPDA USA to be added to our mailing list, and follow us on Twitter.

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