More Than A Journal: Professional Development In Education

PDIE interview

Check Out The Editors Providing Information In A Short Routledge Video On The Journal Webpages (use the button on the top right of the page).

Each year the Journal supports attendance of members of the Editorial Board at Educational Research Conferences to support the work of the Journal. Earlier this year Ken Jones and Jim O’Brien were interviewed and filmed by Routledge on their spring 2015 visit to Chicago for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual Conference. Check out the video made by our publishers, Routledge, outlining the purpose of the Journal, its history and possible developments.

AERA is an important meeting beyond hearing about leading-edge research and developments. It is an ideal opportunity for the Journal representatives to meet and encourage potential international authors and reviewers. Such encouragement also happens at the ipda International Conference where members of the Editorial Board are always on hand to engage and to provide advice to members.

At AERA, it has become customary for Journal representatives to meet with International Advisory Board members and this year at AERA, Ken Jones, Jim O’Brien and Laura Desimone of the Editorial Board met up with Hilda Borko (USA), Christopher Bezzina (Malta) Chris Chapman (UK), Tom Guskey (USA), Jason Margolis (USA), Philip Poekert (USA) and Frances Langdon (New Zealand) of the IAB for an informal lunch. We appreciate the international advocacy for the Journal that IAB members provide and value their input. A number of useful suggestions were made about Journal development and promotion and some ideas for Special Issues discussed. Follow-up work on some of the ideas raised is already underway.

Posted by Professor Jim O’Brien, Managing Editor, Professional Development in Education

29 August 2015