England and India host event on Developing Professional Learning via Mentoring for Teacher Training, an international perspective

This event took place on 7th November 2024. IPDA England and India welcomed colleagues for a stimulating discussion on how mentoring is used within the Indian and English context to facilitate professional learning conversations.

The event included presentations from key speakers from IPDA India and IPDA England, followed by a panel discussion, and group discussions on potential research projects.


1.   Welcome – LizanaOberholzer  –  Chair, IPDA

2.  Introduction to the Mentoring theme of this collaborative event – Pauline Smith IPDA England and Manpreet Kaur, IPDA India.

3. IPDA India – Sharing Mentoring Experiences: 

  • Speaker 1 – Ms Anju Dhawan, Principal, Manav Rachna International School, Ludhiana.
  • Speaker 2 – Ms Parvinder Kaur, Principal Partap Public School:  ‘Enhancing Teacher Development through structured Mentorship programmes’. 
  • Speaker 3 – Roshni Handa: The mentoring approach at Sat Paul Mittal School, Ludhiana

4.  IPDA England- Sharing Mentoring Experiences:

  • Speaker 1- Derek Boyle  IPDA England –  Mentoring, professional learning and teacher training in England’ 
  • Speakers 2 – Stuart Mitchell and Sue Giacoletto – Reviewing mentor development courses in UK.

5.  Discussion by whole group – Facilitated by Manpreet Kaur and Pauline Smith

6.  Summary of key points and possible ways forward

7. Presidential Remarks by Dr Balwant Singh (IPDA India Chair)