Annual General Meeting and International Committee Nominations

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the 2016 International Conference next month. If you have not booked your place yet please visit the event web page. Our theme this year is Learning Across the Professions and we have some exciting speakers including Prof Jan Vermunt, University of Cambridge and Prof Alison Fuller, University College London Institute of Education. Past experience has shown us that the opportunity to network together at the conference is invaluable.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held at 17.00 – 18.30 on Friday 25 November 2016 at the Stirling Court Hotel, Stirling, FK9 5PH, UK. One of the items on the agenda for the AGM will be proposed changes to the constitution. The proposed changes are in the interests of transparency and consistency across IPDA in all its activities. Click here to view the AGM agenda.

International Committee Nominations

If you would like to stand for the IPDA International Committee, you need to find an IPDA member to nominate you and to second your nomination. If you would like to nominate someone, please ask them before sending the nomination form. Elected committee members serve for three years. Any ordinary member of IPDA is eligible for election as a member of the International Committee. Click here to download the nomination form. Please send completed nomination forms to by Friday 18 November 2016.

Best wishes,

Dr Liz White

IPDA Honorary Secretary


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