Become a book reviewer or blogger for IPDA

IPDA members are encouraged to contribute a book review or blog post to the IPDA website.

Books available for review

If you’d like to review one or more of these books please contact Phil Taylor –

Print Books

Appleyard, N., & Appleyard, K. (2015). Reflective teaching and learning in further education. Northwich: Critical Publishing Ltd.

Boyd, P., Hymer, B., & Lockney, K. (2015) Learning Teaching. Northwich: Critical Publishing.

Hall, F., Hindmarch, D., Hoy, D., & Machin, L. (2015) Supporting primary teaching and learning: teaching assistants. Northwich: Critical Publishing Ltd.

Szplit, A., Zbróg, Z., & Boyd, P. (Eds.). (2014). Teacher educators and teachers as learners: international perspectives. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Libron-Filip Lohner.

Stork, A., Walker, B., & Wallace, S. (2015) Becoming an Outstanding Personal Tutor: Supporting Learners through Personal Tutoring and Coaching. Northwich: Critical Publishing.

Wallace, S. (2015). Teaching in further education: the inside story. Northwich: Crtical Publishing.

E-books (PDF) 

Buhagiar, M. A., & Attard Tonna, M. (2015) School-based Mentoring in Initial Teacher Education – The Exploratory Phase. Malta: Faculty of Education, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080.

Bainbridge, A. (2016) On becoming an education professional: a psychosocial exploration of developing an educational professional practice. Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan in the US is a division of Nature America, Inc. (Please note, this one only lasts for 60 days once opened.)

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