Collaborative research opportunity

Colleagues will note my interest in members working in collaboration to research and develop CPD.  I have been sent the following information (thanks to Cliff Jones and James Noble at UCET), and 1 wondered if several of us might be interested in working on this – maybe under the ipda name or as a collaboration between our institutions.  As always there is little time to respond, but if we knew who is interested we could set the ball rolling straight after Xmas.  I do suggest this is more of an IPDA England opportunity, but international engagement would of course add an objective critical friend dimension.

Please see the attached DFE consultation launched today on the development of a world class teaching profession. Amongst other things it proposes that:

  • The government provides start-up funding to establish an independent College of Teaching to open by 2016. The College will in time lead the way on teacher standards and provide a focal point for teachers’ professional development. This might include some functions currently carried out by DFE and NCTL in relation to teacher training and development.
  • Teaching schools will be invited to bid for funding to support the development of new, and the extension of existing, professional development programmes. Funding will be dependent on evaluation plans and evidence of actual or potential impact.
  • An on line platform for knowledge sharing for teachers, drawing in part on evaluations of the programmes to be funded via teaching schools described above
  • An outstanding group of teachers and heads will be established to develop new standards for teachers professional development.

Download the document here.

The closing date for responses is 3 February. If you would like to contribute to UCET’s response, please let me have any comments by Friday 9 January.

Many thanks,

Kit Field

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