Conference submissions criteria
Conference Submissions CRITERIA
This page details the submission criteria for our various conference presentation formats.
Individual Papers
Information: Presentations will last for 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation plus 10 minutes Q and A). Each paper should be clearly aligned to a conference strand and identify if it is a think/opinion piece, report on original research or an update on a work in progress.
Reviewing criteria: Clarity of the focus of the paper; Originality of the paper; Significance of the research to IPDA conference strands.
Round Table
Information: Want to share ‘work in progress’ but not yet ready to present a formal paper? Lead a small ‘round table’ conversation without powerpoint. Round table conversations will run concurrently for 15 mins.
Reviewing criteria: Clarity of the focus of the talk; Originality of the talk; Significance of the talk to IPDA conference strands.
Alternative Format Session (1.5 hrs)
Information: We are open to different ways of presenting using non-traditional approaches to academic presentations. This category of submission is for those who wish to try something new. For example a workshop, ‘hot topic’ panel, discussion, interactive session.
Reviewing criteria: Clarity of the focus of the session; Suitability of the session format; Significance of the proposal for IPDA conference strands.
Lightning Talks
Information: A lightning talk at our virtual conference is a 5 minute pre-recorded video presentation. Presenters are encouraged to use only 3-5 slides. However, we encourage presenters to be creative with their content as well as succinct in their delivery. The talks must be clearly themed around the conference strands and should each introduce a new project, topic or idea. Q&A may be facilitated through online comments.
Reviewing criteria: Clarity of the focus of the talk; Originality of the talk; Significance of the talk to IPDA conference strands.
Research Posters
Information: We welcome posters from delegates which will be displayed on their own web page alongside pre-recorded audio by the author. A research poster summarises your research concisely and attractively to help publicise it. The poster itself should be a mixture of brief text combined with tables, graphs or pictures to capture key aspects of the research. Q&A may be facilitated through online comments.’
Reviewing criteria: Clarity of the focus of the poster; Originality of the poster; Significance of the poster to IPDA conference strands.
Practice Spotlight
Information: This category of submission is aimed at those sharing insights and exemplification from sites of practice. For example an effective approach to professional learning, new insights derived from non-traditional approaches, or an interactive discussion to test new ideas. Practice spotlight sessions will run concurrently for 15 minutes each.
Reviewing criteria: Clarity of the focus of the session; Suitability of the session format; Significance of the proposal for IPDA conference strands.
Symposium: linked papers and discussion (1.5 hrs)
Symposiums can be submitted by IPDA Association Chairs.
Information: They are 90 minutes long and consist of more than one paper on a related theme. The abstract must include an overarching title/rationale and a paragraph about each paper in the symposium. The symposium as a whole must have a clear focus and each paper therein must be clearly related to the overall focus/theme of the symposium but also offer distinct perspectives. Also including references which must be part of the submission.
Reviewing criteria: Clarity of the focus of the papers across the symposia; Originality/relevance of the symposium proposal; Coherence of the symposium and its individual papers; Significance of the research for IPDA conference strands.