Final Issue of Volume 40 of Professional Development in Education (40.5) Published
October 20, 2014
Issue 5 of Volume 40 of the Association?s flagship journal has just been published on-line at:
Edited by the Managing Editors, Ken Jones and Jim O?Brien, this Issue brings the 40th Anniversary year to a suitable conclusion with an Editorial considering the changing terminology associated with professional development and learning. The Journal is growing and flourishing and this 2014 Volume has provided almost 900 pages of quality peer-reviewed research articles; amazing value for money for Association members.
In this current Issue, Dr Aileen Kennedy, Associate Editor, provides a reflective update on her seminal article, republished as part of the 40th Anniversary celebrations of the journal in 40.3, stressing the need for theory to impact on policy and practice. Other Authors included in 40.5 come from Canada, Cyprus, Greece, England and the USA. Themes of the articles include a writing support programme for teacher educators; mentoring and coaching, action research, learning walks, the use of book clubs in promoting learning and professional development for science teachers.
The Issue has just gone to press and all ipda members will shortly receive their hard copy of 40.5 by post.