Introducing IPDA USA – thoughts from Vice Chair Trina Emler

You may wonder why we chose to start another education-related membership organization or why we insist this one is different. To answer both those thoughts simply, IPDA USA is being launched so that there is something different to offer in the space of professional learning.

As a practitioner and even as a doctoral graduate student, I felt no small amount of irritation that my experience, my on-the-ground knowledge, my awareness of student needs (and what is not needed) were often unceremoniously dismissed as the data gathered in classrooms, growth and frustrations observed, and conclusions drawn were not carried out under a research framework. And, in fact, I know educators across age levels, subject areas, and even outside of fields often “know” what works and feel frustration when research-based tools and programs dismiss the practical knowledge and expertise that is utilized on a daily basis. But, one of the top goals we have in forming IPDA USA is to bridge the gap between research and practice. The members that have come together thus far all have stakes in both sides of that coin, and we aim to maintain that vital connection, provide avenues for new connections, and ensure that all voices and expertise are utilized for the betterment of professional learning.

Another space that IPDA USA fills is in its ability to connect fields of professional learning and development outside education. Professional development, training, credentialing – these are not exclusive to education systems. There is considerable knowledge and expertise that can be shared and gained across medical industries, psychology, counseling and behavioral health, environmental agencies, and many other areas that require ongoing certification and development. We can all benefit by sharing creative ways of connecting and utilizing professional development and the research that supports it.  Within education, there is the bonus benefit of seeing industries and career paths outside the school buildings, areas that many of the students we work with will enter. Gaining these perspectives can only help further educator understanding and abilities.

IPDA USA also aims to address a topic at the forefront of our nation’s debates – equity, diversity, and inclusion of marginalized voices in the discussions, the research, and the implementations is not just a trending topic for us, but a core foundation of what this national chapter represents. We fully recognize and embrace the diversity represented across districts, states, and regions and want to ensure that voices are given the space to hear and be heard.

Finally, we are made up of a small group of lifelong learners, dedicated to shifting and addressing needs as time, culture, and circumstances demand. This means that we currently have goals to address digital needs, technology, and the demands of remote working in professional development and learning. This also means that as we grow and address the needs of all voices, that our thematic focus may also shift.  

This is where you come in. Join us. Influence us. Provide your perspectives, your research. Pair up with others to expand your thoughts and implement new work. We can’t wait to see where we go from here.

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