IPDA Bulletin June 2018
July 1, 2018
In our Summer bulletin there is news about:
- Annual Conference 2018
- IPDA 2018 prize
- Update on the International Committee
- Opportunities to review for new IPDA journal
- Regional news: IPDA Cymru
- Regional news: IPDA England
- News from Ireland
- Data Protection
Remember IPDA is your organisation so if you have any ideas please do not hesitate to get in contact. It would be good to have your involvement. We have highlighted a number of opportunities to get involved in the conference, the new journal, the IPDA prize and in the IPDA England committee.
The International Committee look forward to seeing you at one of our events.
Annual Conference 2018
The IPDA Conference 2018 will be at Aston Conference Centre, Birmingham on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 November. Prof David Guile will be giving a keynote on ‘Expertise and identity in interprofessional work: Conceptual and practical challenge’. David is Professor of Education and Work, Head of the Department of Lifelong and Comparative Education, UCL’s Institute of Education. He has led an extensive range of research of projects and brings to the IPDA conference particular understanding of the nature of knowledge and expertise across the professions in practice.
Registration is now open! Remember our conference fee includes accommodation, all meals and refreshments, conference dinner, as well as the conference itself, so it is a real bargain. FULL attendance at the conference entitles you to IPDA membership for the coming year. Share the details with your colleagues and collaborators: flyer for IPDA Annual Conference 2018. Submissions deadline: 31 July 2018
If you would like to join the conference committee please email admin@ipda.org.uk with your expression of interest by 31 July 2018.
IPDA 2018 prize
The IPDA prize is not only a recognition of high quality work and impact in the area of professional development and education, it is also a stepping stone to deeper development through the IPDA network, journal, regional events and conference.
We are very grateful to Dr Coleen Jackson, our previous Chair, for her generous gift to fund the IPDA prize for the next 3 years. Please consider if you, or someone in your own institution or where you are external examiner, might be eligible for the IPDA prize next year. More information and proposal form can be found at the IPDA prize web page. The deadline is 28 September 2018
Update on the International Committee
We would like to express our thanks to Dr Coleen Jackson who has held the office of Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary for the last four years. We are grateful for her dependable management of our finances over this period. Junnine Thomas-Walters has now taken on this office, and we wish her well.
Opportunities to review for new IPDA journal
IPDA launches its new journal ‘Practice: Contemporary Issues in Practitioner Education’ in March 2019. The editorial board are looking for reviewers. This is a really good opportunity to get involved to get involved in the review process and we welcome both experienced and inexperienced reviewers to join the pool. If you would like to get involved please submit your contact details to our reviewer database.
Regional news: IPDA Cymru
Dr Ewan Ingleby led a workshop on 6 June 2018 for IPDA Cymru on the consequences of performativity for the professional development of educators. Dr E. Ingleby, Dr Ladan Cockshut, & Mr Mark Wijnbergen.
This workshop is based on research findings that reveal that too much emphasis is being placed on achieving excellent academic results. The workshop identifies and reflects on some of the challenges that exist to being creative in the classroom. The content reflects on the ideas of Bernstein (2000) and considers the implications of his work for educators.
Reference: Bernstein, B. (2000). Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Two IPDA Cymru Prizes were awarded:
- Dr Howard Tanner Research Prize – Awarded to Kirsty Harris
- Dr Howard Tanner PhD Research Prize – Awarded to Dr. Helen Lewis
This is the second year that we have been able to award this prize. We are holding regular 3-monthly committee meetings and have had some new committee members just join us. We hope to hold another two IPDA Cymru events before Christmas. We are consistently increasing our Twitter followers and to date have 115 followers with increased activity. Further details available from Junnine (junnine.thomas-walters@uwtsd.ac.uk).
Regional news: IPDA England
IPDA England ran two seminars in collaboration with the West Midlands CPD Partnership on 6 June 2018 at the University of Hertfordshire and 7 June 2018 at the University of Wolverhampton, Walsall Campus. Read full details and see photos. The focus of the workshops were on:
- The professional challenges for mentors and teacher educators in the changing context of Initial Teacher Education presented by Dr Liz White, University of Hertfordshire, UK and Dr Miranda Timmermans, Avans University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
- The new CPD Standard Pathway Tool designed by the West Midland CPD Partnership in partnership with CUREE for use in schools, colleges and universities.
It was good to see a mix of teacher educators from school and university at both events, and positive feedback was received. Some will be joining IPDA as a result of these events.
If you would like to join the IPDA England committee, please contact secretary@IPDA.org.uk before 31 July 2018. Thank you.
News from Ireland
Members of the editorial board of Professional Development in Education (PDiE) held a symposium, ‘Critical Perspectives on Professional Learning: Re-framing the Future’ at the Institute of Education, Dublin City University (DCU) on 18 May 2018. Fiona King reported how successful it had been with many stakeholders in attendance and good social media coverage. More information is available on the IPDA blog. This was followed by an afternoon session on writing for publication in PDiE and PRACTICE. A meeting will be held in September 2018 to establish a Chapter of IPDA in Ireland. Please contact Fiona King (fiona.king@dcu.ie) for further information. We hope to have a number of members attend the IPDA conference in Birmingham in November.
Data Protection
On May 25th 2018, a new EU regulation the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect. This concerns extra safeguards about the handling and storing of personal data that we hold for IPDA members. In accordance with the GDPR, the International Committee of IPDA wish to make clear to you what data we are holding and how we use it:
- We only keep your contact details to send you our newsletters, deal with membership matters and provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us,including any workshops, events and conferences booked by you
- You can let us know if you are not happy with our holding your data for this purpose (although it might then be difficult for us to communicate with you).
If you require more information you can either contact secretary@ipda.org.uk or read our full privacy policy on our website.
We hope to see you at some of our events and our next International Conference in November 2018.