IPDA Bulletin March 2018
March 12, 2018
In this Spring bulletin we bring you information about:
- Theme of our 2018 conference
- Report and photos from 2017 conference
- Update on the International Committee
- Online membership
- Congratulations to winners of the PDiE Best Paper Prize 2017
- Early reminder: IPDA 2018 prize
- Regional news: IPDA Cymru
- Regional news: IPDA England
- Regional news: Ireland
Remember IPDA is your organisation so if you have any ideas please do not hesitate to get in contact.
The International Committee look forward to seeing you at one of our events.
Theme of our 2018 conference
We are delighted to announce that the theme of our IPDA Conference in 2018 will be:
Border crossing: Professional learning in the 21st century
The IPDA Conference 2018 will be at Aston Conference Centre, Birmingham on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 November. Save the dates. Remember our conference fee includes accommodation, all meals and refreshments, conference dinner, as well as the conference itself, so it is a real bargain. FULL attendance at the conference entitles you to IPDA membership for the coming year. Please share the details with your colleagues and collaborators. To submit your abstract for a paper, round-table or workshop at the conference please visit the conference submissions web page. Deadline 31 July 2018.
Report and photos from 2017 conference
You can view a report and photos at the 2017 conference web page.
Update on the International Committee
The current International Committee is:
- President: Prof Graham Donaldson (Glasgow University)
- Chair: Prof Alex Kendall (Birmingham City University)
- Co-vice chairs: Prof Hazel Bryan (University of Gloucestershire), Dr Roger Levy (University of Hertfordshire)
- Honorary Treasurer & Membership Secretary: Dr Coleen Jackson (Independent consultant)
- Honorary Secretary: Dr Liz White (University of Hertfordshire)
- Representative from PDiE Journal Editorial Board: Prof Howard Stevenson (University of Nottingham)
- Representative from Practice Journal Editorial Board: Prof Hazel Bryan (University of Gloucestershire)
- Chair IPDA Cymru: Dr Junnine Thomas-Walters (UWTSD)
- Chair IPDA India: Dr Balwant Singh (Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, Punjab, India)
- Chair IPDA Scotland: Lesley Whelan (Scottish Centre for Educational Leadership)
- Interim Chairs IPDA England: Dr Coleen Jackson (Independent consultant), Dr Pauline Smith (Independent consultant)
Paul Campbell (St Paul’s School, Barcelona); Susan Carton (West College Scotland); Dr Ewan Ingleby (Teesside University); Dr Manpreet Kaur (Partap College of Education, Ludhiana, Punjab, India); Dr Fiona King (Dublin City University); Emmajane Milton (University of Cardiff); Órla Ní Bhroin (Dublin City University); Deborah Outhwaite (University of Warwick); Eglé Prankuniene (Independent Consultant, Lithuania).
Welcome to Emmajane, Órla, Pauline and Lesley, all joining the International Committee this year.
Online membership
Following requests from membership we have introduced an online membership which gives online access to our journal, Professional Development in Education. Find out more on the membership pages.
Congratulations to winners of the PDiE Best Paper Prize 2017
Congratulations to André Koffeman (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and University of Amsterdam) and Professor Marco Snoek (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) on being awarded the Professional Development in Education annual prize of £100 for the Best Paper presented at the 2017 IPDA International Conference, for their paper: Identifying context factors as a source for teacher professional learning. Papers are judged against specific criteria and the selection is confirmed by the Editorial Board of PDiE. More information can be found at the award web page.
Early reminder: IPDA 2018 prize
The IPDA prize is not only a recognition of high quality work and impact in the area of professional development and education, it is also a stepping stone to deeper development through the IPDA network, journal, regional events and conference.
We are very grateful to Dr Coleen Jackson, our previous Chair, for her generous gift to fund the IPDA prize for the next 3 years. Please consider if you, or someone in your own institution or where you are external examiner, might be eligible for the IPDA prize next year. More information and proposal form can be found at the IPDA Prize web page. The deadline is 28 September 2018.
Regional news: IPDA Cymru
The next meeting is on Wednesday 21 March, to which all are welcome.
Workshop by Dr. Ewan Ingelby on Wednesday 6 June ‘Air and light and time and space: Reflections on enabling academic writing’
This workshop explores techniques for writing and presents the argument that learning spaces are characterized by liminality. They are places of change. Unfortunately, because of the busy nature of learning and teaching, we seldom get the opportunity to utilize these experiences and turn them into forms of writing. The workshop considers writing techniques and reflects on examples of writing that are characterized by strengths and weaknesses.
Details available from Junnine (junnine.thomas-walters@uwtsd.ac.uk).
Regional news: IPDA England
It’s all change at IPDA England. We are grateful to Bob Burstow for leading IPDA England for a short while. Bob stepped down as Chair last year and Pauline Smith and Coleen Jackson have taken on the role as interim Chairs. Our first objective was to set up some IPDA events across the country and begin to network with IPDA members alongside encouraging new members to come and join IPDA.
There have been several changes in professional learning that have impacted on schools, colleges and universities and IPDA England is in an ideal position to advise and support. With that in mind over the summer we are offering two workshops in Hertfordshire and the West Midlands. The topics are:
- The professional challenges for ITE mentors and teacher educators using international research
- The new CPD Standard Pathway Tool, which is designed to work alongside the DfE CPD Standard and is useful to CPD co-ordinators and CPD providers.
Find out more and book your place on the IPDA England web page.
Download the flyer for further details for you, and for sharing with your colleagues and collaborators.
The workshops will be repeated in the autumn at two other locations and we are looking for venues in the North and West of England. If you could host a meeting, please could you let us know. This is a great opportunity to meet and network with IPDA colleagues.
In the next few months we will be inviting all IPDA England members to a meeting to create a new IPDA England Board.
Regional news: Ireland
Dr Fiona King will be hosting a joint PDiE/Practice symposium on 16/17 May at Dublin City University. The focus is Writing for IPDA publications. For more information please contact Fiona (fiona.king@dcu.ie).
We hope to see you at some of our events and our next International Conference in November 2018.