IPDA Bulletin September 2016

In this September bulletin we bring you information about:

  • Our 2016 conference – call for papers
  • IPDA prize nominations
  • PDiE Best Paper Award
  • Save the date for our 2017 conference
  • An opportunity to apply for an IPDA Research Scholarship
  • New membership benefits
  • IPDA England event
  • IPDA Cymru event

Remember IPDA is your organisation so if you have any ideas please do not hesitate to get in contact.

The international committee look forward to seeing you at one of our events.

Our 2016 conference – call for papers

The IPDA International Conference 2016 ‘Learning across the professions’ will take place on 25-26 November 2016 at the Stirling Court Hotel, University of Stirling. Full registration details are available on the event web page.

To submit an abstract for a poster, paper or workshop at this conference please visit the conference submissions page. Deadline for submissions 3 October 2016

IPDA Prize nominations

The IPDA prize is not only a recognition of high quality work and impact in the area of professional development and education, it is also a stepping stone to deeper development through the IPDA network, journal, regional events and conference. We are keen to ensure that as many Masters and Doctoral students as possible have the opportunity to be put forward for a prize. Do visit the IPDA prize web page where there are details of the IPDA prize and how to apply. Deadline for submissions 12 noon 14 October 2016. 

PDiE Best Paper Award

The Professional Development in Education Best Paper Award acknowledges and celebrates well-written papers that make a significant contribution to their field. The award will be presented to the author(s) at the IPDA conference, Stirling in November 2016. For consideration for the award, the paper must have a strong focus on issues associated with professional learning and/or development. Further details are available on the award web page. Deadlines for submissions 1700 GMT 31 October 2016.

Save the date for our 2017 conference

We are delighted to announce that our IPDA Conference in 2017 will be at The Vale Glamorgan, South Wales CF72 8JY, on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 November. Save the dates. Remember our conference fee includes accommodation, all meals and refreshments, conference dinner, IPDA membership as well as the conference itself, so it is a real bargain. More details to follow.

An opportunity to apply for an IPDA Research Scholarship

The International Professional Development Association (IPDA) offers two scholarships per year of up £2,000 to allow IPDA members to undertake original, creative and innovative research that furthers IPDA’s key aim to support, develop and promote good professional development practice in national and international contexts. Proposals will need to be led by an IPDA member and demonstrate collaboration between at least two different countries. Projects can be undertaken over a maximum period of twelve months. Do visit the scholarships web page where there are details of the IPDA research scholarship and how to apply. Deadline noon on 24 February 2017.

New membership benefits

We are very grateful for all the support Routledge has given us and continue to do so. IPDA member benefits will include electronic access to the following Routledge Journals:

  • Professional Development in Education
  • Globalisation, Societies and Education
  • International Journal of Lifelong Education
  • Journal of Education for Teaching
  • Critical Studies in Education
  • Journal of Vocational Education and Training

IPDA England event

‘Teaching teachers in school – enriching your practice.’ On Saturday 14 January 2017 at the University of Cumbria in London, 58 East India Dock Rd, London E14 6JE. Further information available from Pete Boyd (pete.boyd@cumbria.ac.uk).

IPDA Cymru event

The event is 10-12 on Tuesday 4 October 2016 at Ysgol Gyfun y Strade (SA15 4DL). Further information available from Junnine Thomas-Walters (junnine.thomas-walters@uwtsd.ac.uk) or by downloading the event flyer.

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