2014 IPDA conference

International Conference 2014

The 2014 IPDA International Conference took place on 28-29 November 2014 at Aston University with the theme 'Re-Thinking Models of Professional Learning'.

For details of all speakers please view the full conference programme.

The IPDA annual conference 2014 focused upon re-thinking models of professional learning in response to the changes taking place in a diverse range of contexts. The move towards the marketization and commodification of education were recognised as deserving particular attention.

For a detailed overview of the presentations made and issues discusses please download the conference proceedings.


In considering the themes of re-thinking models of professional learning paper presentations and keynote speakers took a range of perspectives and examined different contexts. Some key themes emerged from the presentations:

  • Social media/technology
  • Professional learning
  • Professionalism and professional identity
  • Products and processes of professional learning

A flavour of the event

The following video shows snippets of our keynotes and presentations from over the two days.

A Discussion about IPDA India with Balwant Singh

This video shows Kit Field and Ken Jones in discussion with Balwant Singh, chair of the newly formed IPDA India, talking about some of the professional development and cultural issues and differences in the education sector in India.

Keynote Speakers

Marc Vermeulen presenting

Liquid Modernity and Responsible Teaching: challenges for innovation of professional development in education and training

Professor Marc Vermeulen, Tilburg University
Aileen Kennedy presenting

Informing, Transforming and Embedding: Mobilising the literature to impact on policy and practice

Dr Aileen Kennedy, University of Strathclyde

Linda Evans presenting

What do we still need to know about professional development? A research agenda for the field

Professor Linda Evans, Leeds University. PowerPoint presentation


IPDA Fellowship

Professor Christine Forde was awarded an IPDA Fellowship. This video shows Christine receiving the awards and speaking about her career in relation to professional development.

IPDA Prize

Michael LowesThe 2014 IPDA prize was awarded to Michael Lowes for his work on whether the use of teaching assistants in his school supported the school’s ethos of inclusion and developing pupil independence. Read more about Michael’s work.

The photo gallery below shows some images from the conference dinner and presentations. 

Photo Gallery

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