IPDA Ireland Seminar explores Leadership and Professional Learning

IPDA Ireland hosted its second seminar on 6th February 2020 at Maynooth University. It attracted a wide audience including principals, teachers, teacher educators and others with an interest in leadership and professional learning. The seminar created a space for critical conversations to support understanding and knowledge building for this field. There were three short presentations from educators with diverse experiences of leadership and professional learning:

  • The necessary risk of leadership in building sustained cultures of professional development: Opportunities and challenges presented by Dr. Anthony Malone, School of Education, NUI Maynooth.
  • Leading professional learning for inclusion presented by Aidan Raftery, Principal, Duleek Boys’ National School, Co. Meath
  • Learning to be a school leader in Ireland presented by Anna Mai Rooney, Deputy Director Primary, Centre for School Leadership

Each presentation offered insight into different but complementary aspects of leadership and professional learning. The speakers each concluded with a thought provoking question to support collaborative conversations among the attendees. 

IPDA Ireland would like to thank Maynooth University for hosting the seminar. Many thanks also to our speakers and attendees who engaged in interesting and lively professional conversations. The evening concluded with some very useful suggestions for the next seminar which we look forward to organising in the coming months.

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