Latest IPDA Scotland podcast discusses digital literacies and professional learning

November 12, 2021
IPDA Scotland Podcast with Suzie Dick, Lee Dunn, Stewart McPhail, Peter Bain and Wim Chalmet
In the third IPDA Scotland podcast, hosted by Suzie Dick, you can listen to this conversation with Lee Dunn (Scottish Digital Academy), Stewart McPhail (Sanday and Eday Schools), Wim Chalmet (Gairloch High School) and Peter Bain (Oban High and Tiree Schools).
In this IPDA Scotland podcast, Suzie Dick speaks with Lee Dunn (Scottish Digital Academy), Stewart McPhail (Sanday and Eday Schools), Wim Chalmet (Gairloch High School) and Peter Bain (Oban High and Tiree Schools) about digital learning and professional development for those working in remoter areas of Scotland. This podcast discusses with 3 head teachers working in remote areas of Scotland and the head of the Scottish Digital Academy about the continual growth of digital learning and the differences that it has made in terms of accessibility to professional learning for staff working in remoter areas of Scotland.
You can listen to the episode below or find it on your usual podcast platform – view all listening options here.