IPDA England hosts slow chat on ‘being creative with collaboration’


#ipdaengland hosted a slow chat looking broadly at ‘being creative with collaboration’ from 8pm Friday 29 March to 8pm Sunday 31 March 2019.

Dr John Mynott, Head of Central School, Watford led this chat, with contributions from a range of colleagues around the questions:

  1. How and what are you learning as a professional?
  2. What one thing has supported your professional learning in the last 3-6 months?
  3. How can leadership promote/improve professional learning?
  4. What creative ways are you finding to collaborate on professional learning?
  5. In what ways can leadership support a more creative approach to professional learning?

Why not join us for our next slow chat, or co-host a slow chat with us around the professional learning questions that you are interested in.

Do follow us on @EnglandIpda.