What is the IPDA International Conference like?

Aileen Kennedy presenting

Above: Aileen Kennedy presents at the IPDA Conference.

This IPDA Scotland blog post was written by Catriona Oates.

The IPDA International Conference will take place online, on November 27th and 28th this year. This is the first time the conference has moved to an online platform, and the shift has many benefits, not least accessibility for participants, and a greatly reduced cost.

The cost of the online conference will be £30 for members of IPDA, and £45 for non-members. The cost includes an online membership for 2021. We are hoping to increase the membership of IPDA Scotland so this is an easy way to introduce yourself to the IPDA community. There are many benefits to IPDA membership, including:

  • Reduced rate at international conference
  • to participation in national and international networks of practitioners
  • news, updates and opportunity to participate in regular events, formal and informal
  • a yearly subscription to two journals: Professional Development in Education and Practice.

 Via twitter, IPDA Scotland has been asking educators to share their experiences and highlights of past IPDA conferences. It’s great to see so many encouraging responses.

We are hoping to have good representation from IPDA Scotland this year, in presenters and participants.  Follow our @ScotlandIPDA conversations to find out more about the conference. In particular, if you are a first time presenter, or interested in a discussion on how to write your abstract for submission, sign up to our forthcoming session with Dr Aileen Kennedy on 16th June.