POSTPONED: Multi-disciplinary perspectives on professional learning – An Irish Perspective

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have to postpone this event. A new date will be announced shortly. We apologise for any inconvenience and hope you will be in a position to join us for the rescheduled event.

Join us for an exciting hybrid event where we will explore how professional learning is structured, supported, and enacted in different professions from an Irish perspective.

This event is designed for practitioners in various sectors across the continuum of education in Ireland, professional standards bodies/regulators of different professions, people involved in supporting professional learning, and policymakers. Our expert speakers will provide valuable insights, and there will be ample time for small group discussions.

Don’t miss this opportunity to collaborate and learn from other professions! If you’re attending in-person, there is a €12 charge to cover refreshments and lunch. Register now as physical space is limited to 50 people.

If you’re already an IPDA member, you have the option to attend online free of charge. 

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