IPDA Bulletin October 2019

Welcome to the Autumn Bulletin from the International Professional Development Association. In this edition you can find out about:

  • Annual Conference 2019
  • AGM 2019
  • IPDA Scholarship 2019
  • IPDA 2019 prize
  • Update on IPDA local associations
  • Call for papers, special edition of PDiE
  • Annual Conference 2020

There are a number of ways in which you get involved with IPDA.  Remember IPDA is your organisation so if you have any ideas please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Annual Conference 2019

Harnessing Creativity in Changing Times

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the 2019 International Conference, which will explore creativity in the context of professional learning. Join us at the Aston Conference Centre, Birmingham on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November 2019. 

The following questions will guide the sessions: 

  • What is creativity in the context of professional learning? Do we need it?
  • What are the associated risks and benefits? For practitioners? For professional identities? For learners? For pedagogies? For research and researchers?
  • Is there a relationship between creativity and resilience?

We have some exciting speakers including Prof Kate Pahl and Dr Cath Lambert.

Please note we now have limited conference availability remaining: If you have not booked your place yet please visit the conference web page.  Remember our full conference fee includes accommodation, all meals and refreshments, conference dinner, as well as the conference itself, so it is a real bargain. FULL attendance at the conference entitles you to IPDA membership for the coming year.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held at 17.15 – 18.15 on Friday 29th November 2019 at the Aston Conference Centre, Birmingham. 

IPDA Scholarship 2019

Prof Jas Dhillon at IPDA Conference 2018
Prof Jas Dhillon at IPDA Conference 2018

This year’s IPDA scholarship was awarded to Professor Jaswinder K Dhillon from the University of Worcester. Prof. Dhillon’s project A comparative study of leadership practice in England and India will extend her recent work on stakeholder perceptions of outstanding leadership in England. The lead partner in India is Professor Bawa, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India and President (HQ) of the Global Educational Research Association. 

The study aims to compare the impact of national and local contexts on leaders and leadership practice in education. It will use a Qsort on outstanding leadership and interviews with school and college leaders to explore the effects of gender, ethnic group, class and caste on leadership development and practice. Prof. Dhillon will share the outcomes of her work at IPDA conference 2020.

IPDA Prize 2019

Please consider if you, or someone in your own institution or where you are external examiner, might be eligible for the IPDA prize. This is not only a recognition of high quality work and impact in the area of professional development and education, it is also a stepping stone to deeper development through the IPDA network, journal, regional events and conference. We are very grateful to Dr Coleen Jackson, our previous Chair, for her generous gift to fund the IPDA prize for the next 3 years.

Nominations need to be in by 25 October 2019 . Click here for more information and proposal form.

IPDA Cymru Update

IPDA Cymru – we are a growing organisation in Wales aimed at supporting and promoting good professional learning practice for all practitioners and professions engaged in education. We are really keen to welcome new members and have some exciting plans for 2020. Follow us @IPDACymru to find out more.

Mae IPDA Cymru yn fudiad sydd yn tyfu yng Nghymru ac mae wedi ei anelu at gefnogi a hyrwyddo ymarferion dysgu proffesiynol da ar gyfer pawb sydd yn gweithio ym myd addysg. Rydym yn awyddus i groesawu aelodau newydd ac mae gennym gynlluniau cyffrous ar gyfer 2020. Dilynwch ni @IPDACymru er mwyn cael mwy o wybodaeth

IPDA England Update

IPDA England invites you to join us in a range of seminars, workshops and ‘slow conversations’ about the vital role of CPD in England.   

We have had a successful year by working collaboratively with partner universities and other regional and national CPD organisations in jointly badged CPD activities. 

We welcome active members into our IPDA England committee and welcome you to propose ideas for future events and possibly to host an IPDA seminar or CPD conversation in your institution. We are also keen to support members with their co- writing and publishing activities. 

Please click on our IPDA England page and follow us on Twitter @ipdaengland. We look forward to meeting you at the IPDA annual conference.

IPDA Hong Kong Update

IPDA Hong Kong hosted its first event in June 2019, which included a key note presentation from Dr.Jiafang Lu (Associate Professor of Education Policy and Leadership, Education University of Hong Kong). The presentation explored the theme ‘Harnessing Creativity in Changing Times‘ considering professional learning across the Hong Kong context. You can see highlights on IPDA HK’s Twitter Feed – @IPDA_HongKong

After a successful start, the newly formed IPDA Hong Kong Association has also set up its first committee. Part of the committee’s ongoing work is to organise an engagement event to stimulate discussion around professional learning and offer a space for establishing networks and active collaboration. This is being planned for November 2019. We are also looking to develop further the representation on the IPDA HK Committee to ensure that it represents various education and non-education sectors in Hong Kong. 

If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch with Paul Campbell (Chair of IPDA HK). So far, the association has brought together a wide cross section of the professional learning community in Hong Kong. Over the coming weeks, more information and updates will be available via dedicated space on the IPDA website. 

IPDA Ireland Update

IPDA Ireland is committed to having collaborative conversations about professional learning, policy and practice. 

If you would like to know more about us then please click on our IPDA Ireland page and follow us on twitter @ipdaireland.

We welcome all new members and look forward to seeing you at our upcoming seminars. 

Call for papers

Call for Papers for Professional Development in Education.

The call for papers is now open for a Special Issue on non-linear perspectives on teacher learning and practice edited by Kathryn Strom, Linda Abrams and Tammy Mills. Click here for more information.

Save the Date: Annual Conference 2020

Save the dates: 27-28th November 2020, Aston, Birmingham


Find out more about IPDA Annual Conference 2020.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our events.

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