Research Scholarships


Research Scholarships

IPDA offers two scholarships per year of up £2,000 to allow members to undertake original, creative and innovative research that furthers IPDA’s key aim to support, develop and promote good professional development practice in national and international contexts. 

Award Details

Proposals need to be led by an IPDA member and demonstrate collaboration between at least two different countries. Projects can be undertaken over a maximum period of twelve months.

All IPDA members in any country are eligible to apply.

Applications should be made using the downloadable form and returned to The submission should outline the programme they propose to undertake and show how the scholarship would assist them in doing so. Applicants will be expected to have obtained statements of support from participating institutions prior to submitting the application. Accompanying the proposal will also be a statement of support from the applicant’s Dean/Head of Department or equivalent manager. All subsequent arrangements will be the responsibility of the scholarship holders and their host institution(s). 

During the life-time of the project scholarship holders will be required to contribute to the IPDA blog to update members of their work in progress and to participate in one of IPDA’s writing workshops to explore opportunities for publishing project outcomes in one of IPDA’s publications. On completion of the project scholarship holders will be required to present their work to the IPDA annual conference and submit their end of project report in a format appropriate for publication in one of the IPDA journals or on the website as appropriate (to be agreed with scholarship holder). Copies of any further publications should be lodged with IPDA and the contribution of IPDA appropriately acknowledged.

Scholarships will be paid to the successful applicant’s institution. Half the scholarship will be paid immediately and the rest on presentation of an itemised invoice and receipts. The award will be repaid if the agreed final outcomes of the project are not achieved. Applicants will be eligible for the scholarship even if they attract other sources of funding to match fund their activity.


Applications for the IPDA scholarship, including a brief CV and statements of support as outlined above, should be submitted to Applications will be reviewed at the July meeting of the IPDA International committee and successful applicants will be notified soon after. Applicants may be asked to make a further submission. A maximum of two scholarships will be awarded each year.


Click to download the application form.