2010 IPDA conference
International Conference 2010
The 2010 IPDA International Conference took place at the Aston Convention Centre, Birmingham, UK on 26-27 November 2010 with the theme 'Professional Development in Hard Times: Quality V Cost, Training V Education'.
Presidential address
Professor Ken Jones: Hard Times: the need for pragmatic professional development
- Download PowerPoint presentation (.ppt file)
- Download speech (.docx file)
Research papers and keynote presentations
- Fixed vs negotiated CPD: Abridging the best of the TDA’s PPD with the new MTL (paper) – CPD Departmental team, the Bath Spa University. Note: the presentation slides for same paper is here.
- The Triple Bottom Line: Towards sustainable CPD (ppt) – Tony Townsend, University of Glasgow
- Looking at things from a slight distance; Learning outcomes from research conducted by teachers (paper) – Marco Snoek, Hogeschool van Amsterdam; Erica Moens, Montessori College Oost. Note: the presentation slides for same paper is here.
- Living our Principles: Three examples of practice (ppt) – Joy Jarvis, Roger Levy, University of Hertfordshire, UK; Anja Swennen, VU University Amsterdam.
- Student teachers’ supervision as a professional development activity: building work-related skills (abstract) – Mark A. Minott, University College, Cayman Islands; Ionie Liburd Willett, Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College, St Kitts-Nevis. Note: the presentation slides for same paper is here.
- Creating “authorised” teachers: the leadership of CPD in a self-improving school system (paper) – Nick Sorensen, Bath Spa University. Note: the presentation slides for same paper is here.
- The Primary Science Quality Mark. How is this uniquely developmental, self- evaluative and training-supported award scheme raising the profile of science in primary schools across the UK? (paper) – Steve Marshall & Jane Turner. Note: the presentation slides for same paper is here.
- Scenarios for the future of the teaching profession (paper) – Marco Snoek, Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Note: the presentation slides for same paper is here.
- A Canadian pre-tenure teacher educator’s professional development journey: Her struggles in teaching at the University level. (ppt) – Stephanie Chitpin, University of Ottaw.
- The Objective Knowledge Growth Framework in [and] Principal’s Decision Making: A proposed (ppt) – Stephanie Chitpin, University of Ottaw; Paul Newton, University of Alberta; Don Klinger, Peter Grimmett, Claire IsaBelle.