IPDA Cymru


IPDA Cymru is a community for those with an interest in professional learning and development across sectors and disciplines.

Welcome to IPDA Cymru. If you are involved with professional development in Wales and are interested in becoming a member please get in touch.

Welcome to IPDA Cymru. This regional association aims to:

  • Simulate independent critical discussion about policy and practice in relation to professional learning in Wales.
  • Support and promote the professional learning and development of education practitioners in Wales, across practitioner contexts and sectors. 
  • Facilitate and disseminate research and scholarship relation to professional development and learning.
  • Have international reach and global connection, connecting practitioners and practitioner educators with a commitment to practitioner learning, across borders, sectors and professions in Wales and beyond. 
  • Facilitate reflection, inquiry, dissemination and impact in relation to professional learning.
  • Contribute towards a shared knowledge-base for Wales and internationally through the journals PDiE and Practice and attending and presenting in annual and regional conferences.
  • Be an apolitical voice for those engaged in practice and professional learning

We encourage all those with an interest in professional learning from across Wales and beyond to get involved. You can do this by engaging with:

  • Seminars and workshops on a range of topics.
  • Networking fora and events.
  • Support in establishing partnerships and collaborations across professional fields.
  • ‘Twitter chats’ through the IPDA Cymru feed, with summaries and additional follow up and discussion via the IPDA blog.

To find out more about up-coming events, check the section below. Join IPDA Cymru to be added to our mailing list, and follow us on Twitter.

Meet the IPDA CYMRU Committee


Howard Tanner Research Prize

Dr Howard Tanner

Dr Howard Tanner

Dr Howard Tanner, esteemed colleague and Reader in Education at UWTSD, unexpectedly passed away in 2016. He is missed by family, friends, past students and colleagues from each corner of the university and education community. 

Howard gained his first degree with the Open University. It was a first class honours in Mathematics. This was the first rung on the ladder to his academic success, leading to his M. Ed with Bristol University School of Education and his PhD with the University of Wales. His work in teaching and teacher education enhanced the educational experience and life chances of many children. It was his passion. 

The two fundraising groups supported in Howard’s memory were first to reflect his Open University link and this passion for teaching: TESSA (Teacher Education in Sub Saharan Africa) with TESS- India (Teacher Education and School based support); and the second linked to his legacy of enjoying the sea, the RNLI.

“The celebration of his life brought together many people who had such fond, laughter –filled memories to share of Howard’s take on a world full of absurdities. He touched us in so many ways and, not least, his use of Facebook to keep in contact and to raise interest and awareness in all things.” Comment posted online by former student. 

Hayley Matthew

2020 Award

  • Masters Prize: Hayley Mathew (nominated by Alex Morgan) 

2019 Award

  • Masters Prize: Rebecca Chamberlain (nominated by Jan Huyton) 

2018 Awards

  • Masters Prize: Kirsty Harris (nominated by Alex Morgan) 
  • PhD Prize: Dr. Helen Lewis (nominated by Dr Jane Waters)

2017 Award

  • Masters Prize: Simon Hoskins

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