IPDA Bulletin April 2017
May 3, 2017
In the Spring 2017 bulletin we bring you information about:
- The membership of the International Committee
- Blogs and book reviews
- Save the date for our 2017 conference
- Membership webpages and benefits
- Advert for tenders for our website review
- An opportunity to apply for an IPDA Research Scholarship 2017
Remember IPDA is your organisation so if you have any ideas please do not hesitate to get in contact.
The membership of the International Committee
We welcome to the International Committee Dr Fiona King (Dublin City University) and Paul Campbell (St Paul’s School, Barcelona) as co-opted members for a period of three years.
Fiona holds a PDiE Best Doctoral Thesis Award. Her expertise is in the areas of teacher professional learning, teacher leadership, collaborative practices and inclusive and special education. Working in Ireland, she has the potential to promote new networks of individuals concerned with professional learning within IPDA.
Paul is a primary teacher, curriculum leader and doctoral student in an international setting. His professional practice and ongoing doctoral studies gives him a unique perspective on effective professional development, the implications for policy and practice and opportunities and challenges faced in relation to this in international education institutions and nations.
This is a good opportunity for us to thank Prof Pete Boyd (University of Cumbria) for his time as the Chair of IPDA England. We are grateful to Dr Bob Burstow (Kings College, London) for stepping in as the acting chair for IPDA England. View our committee page for a complete list of International Committee members.
Blogs and book reviews
A number of blog posts around issues relating to professional learning have been posted on the IPDA website. There are also a number of book reviews. If you are interested in contributing a blog post or book review please contact Dr Ewan Ingleby (e.ingleby@tees.ac.uk) and read the guidance for contributors for full details.
Save the date for our 2017 conference
We are delighted to announce that our IPDA Conference in 2017 will be at The Vale Hotel, Glamorgan in Wales on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 November. Save the dates. Remember our conference fee includes accommodation, all meals and refreshments, conference dinner, IPDA membership as well as the conference itself, so it is a real bargain. More details to follow.
Membership webpages and benefits
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Online IPDA Member Portal. Please visit the portal to set up your account and add your professional information to the member directory. This new area of our website gives you access to several features including:
- Full online access to the following journals made available by Routledge, Taylor Francis exclusively for IPDA members:
- Professional Development in Education
- Globalisation, Societies and Education
- International Journal of Lifelong Education
- Journal of Education for Teaching
- Critical Studies in Education
- International Journal of Training Research
- Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies
- Member notifications and updates.
- A member directory for contacting and collaborating with fellow IPDA members.
- Minutes and documents from IPDA committee meetings and AGMs.
Professional Development in Education
The Taylor and Francis website has been modified to become more interactive. Please encourage students and colleagues to access the web pages and to download articles for citation in their own work.
Advert for tenders for our website review
The International Committee at their November meeting agreed to put out a tender to review the IPDA website. View the Invitation to Tender.
An opportunity to apply for an IPDA Research Scholarship 2017
The International Professional Development Association (IPDA) offers two scholarships per year of up £2,000 to allow IPDA members to undertake original, creative and innovative research that furthers IPDA’s key aim to support, develop and promote good professional development practice in national and international contexts. Proposals will need to be led by an IPDA member and demonstrate collaboration between at least two different countries. Projects can be undertaken over a maximum period of twelve months. Do visit the IPDA Scholarships page where there are details of the research scholarship and how to apply. Deadline Friday 9 June.
2017 Representation at International Conferences
IPDA and our journal PDiE continues to be represented at international conferences to seek new members and potential authors. We have established a practice of awarding prizes for best paper or contribution so watch out for your chance to submit your work. The prizes include membership of IPDA for a year.